Broaden your skills as a make-up artist

Broaden Your Skills as a Make-up Artist To stay competitive and relevant, make-up artists must continuously learn and adapt. Jo Chang emphasises the benefits of enrolling at Brushstroke, which offers up-to-date training from industry professionals who work as make-up...

Brides, beauty and spreadsheets with make-up artist Elizabeth Rita

Make-up artist Elizabeth Rita is famed for her work across music, TV, editorial and advertising. Since graduating from Brushstroke, she’s worked hard putting her skills and talents to good use. She’s now built a really good career as a make-up (and hair)...

Beauty and make-up – a powerful partnership

Are you interested in beauty as a career option? Maybe you’re already working in a salon or doing some freelance work with your own clients. Perhaps you just want to change career and are exploring training opportunities. Great thinking. Beauty is a serious...

Barbering Skills are Vital for Make-Up Artists

“I was turned down for a make-up job the other day because I can’t do men’s hair or trim a beard!” This is a statement made by a freelance make-up artist to our barbering tutor, Richard Jones, while they were working at a London TV studio...

Applying a bald cap in special effects makeup training

Applying a bald cap is an important skill. It’s one our students learn as part of their special effects makeup training at Brushstroke. Harrie Sheppey is one of our 7 month ITEC students. This was her first time working with a bald cap and it turned out really...